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Newsletter - July, August
and September 2024


“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” Acts 4:31

We are certain that with your prayers, the prayers of the Church of Jesus, we are deeply encouraged by the Lord to move forward. It is with this conviction that we share with you this missionary newsletter and we count on your presence on this journey of sharing the Good News of God's love.

Alcance School of Missions

In July, we held our missionary training at the MFL Headquarters base. We welcomed 16 students from various evangelical denominations, coming from Fortaleza, but also from several other places such as Caucaia, Maranhão, Rio Grande do Sul and Germany. The training lasted a month, during which, in addition to the classes and practical activities that make up the School's curriculum, the students had an immersive experience participating in the routine at the base and, at the end, the development of individual projects to be developed in their local communities.

In January 2025, we will have another class of the Alcance School and also of the Alcance Teen, which takes place at the MFL Lagoa do Barro (Caucaia).  Registration and the selection process are now open and can be completed through our website


Eight people were baptized in August! Among them, brothers who are congregating at the Vida em Foco Church in the Lagoa do Barro (Caucaia) and in Fortaleza. We rejoice and celebrate this wonderful public decision of their deaths to the world and the beginning of a new life with Christ! May the Lord keep them firm in their faith.

New Project - Lagoa do Opaia

For some time now, we have been dreaming and planning the opening of a new evangelistic project to reach people in the Lagoa do Opaia community, which is close to our base in Fortaleza. During the Alcance School in July, we held some outdoor evangelization events for children and adults in the region. In September, we took the official step to begin activities with a defined team of missionaries to develop the project. We have some challenges, such as finding an appropriate space and structuring it. This beginning is an important phase of getting to know the community and allowing them to get to know us.  Pray with us for strategies from the Lord to reach the families in this new place with God's love.

Training for brothers and sisters from Angola

Since 2022, we have been in contact with an evangelization project formed by Christians from Angola. The Ministry Called to Serve works in risk areas in the city of Luanda to bring the gospel to people on the margins of society. Last year, we had the privilege of blessing them with a campaign that raised donations to purchase 65 Bibles that were distributed to new converts. This year, the Lord has allowed us to bless them again, this time with training for people who want to develop in the area of discipleship and caring for people. The training has 39 students enrolled. With a duration of eleven classes, it is held online, with content made available in video and weekly handouts, and live meetings.

Construction and Solar Roof

We would like to thank everyone who has been praying for our construction challenges at the Fortaleza base, where we have welcomed dozens of people to worship and other activities over the weeks. The roofing stage has already been completed, but we still have to build the infrastructure for the walls, improve the floor, and install electrical and air conditioning systems. To achieve this, we have a financial challenge of an average of R$100,000.

In addition, we have begun installing solar panels at the base with the aim of reducing our electricity bills and making this resource available to invest in our missionary projects. However, we have the challenge of paying the monthly installments of R$4,200 for this installation over the next 24 months.

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New Missionaries

This semester, our base in Fortaleza welcomed four new missionaries who came to serve with us as part of our team of workers. We are grateful to God who continues to raise up His children to fulfill the call to preach the gospel in various areas, including dedicating their lives and time to the mission field. Pray for these missionaries, that the Lord will strengthen them in His spirit and confirm their vocations.


Prayer requests


In the first half of October, events will take place in our projects that are opportunities to share God's love with hundreds of children in Fortaleza and the region.


In November, we will have a program at the base that will bring together teenagers and young people who attend our projects in the communities and church. Pray that it will be a day of Salvation! Many of them are being evangelized and have not yet confessed Jesus as Savior and Lord.


We have dreamed of opening a missionary base in the African country. Intercede so that the Lord will open the necessary doors, raise up people with the calling and guide us wisely through the steps of this process.

We need your prayers. Whenever possible, place these points before the Lord. We want His guidance and wisdom so that we can live what he called us as a mission to do!

Bless the Mission Focus Life in Brazil and around the world. Be an intercessor for our missionary bases and projects!

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